
NAGORNO-KARABAKH - UNESCO Site Gerhard Monastery

Happy to have this postcard!
This completes my UNESCO postcards collection from Armenia.
And as I was checking the stamp, I wondered how come the word "ARMENIA" isn't printed on it.
I asked the sender and he told me he is from Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and to visit this site: Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
Learning is indeed fun through postcards collecting!
Thank you so much, Vahram for sharing this wonderful postcard with me!


  1. Hello,
    Congratulations, it's very difficult to get postcards or letters from this territory. If yoy wish, I'd like to invite you to see my blogs: where you can see the pictures of letters that I have received from whole world, but I think that you perhaps will be more interested in my blog about postcards

    Well, I congratule you again for getting a postcard from Nagorno Karabakh.

    Best wishes from Spain

    Emilio Fernandez

    1. Hi Emilio!

      Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and for keeping in touch!
      I just checked you blog on covers and it's great! I used to collect covers too but when postage rate increased in sending covers from the Philippines, I stopped. :( Maybe one day, I'll resume my collection on covers. :)

      Enjoy our hobby!

      Best regards,
      Jan =)
